Tent: St. Charles Health System logoed tent is available upon request for your event.  The 10’ x 10’ Royal Blue easy pop-up design provides 100 square feet of shade.  Please contact Dianna Marshall in the Marketing Department to reserve.  Phone: 541-706-7781 or Email: dkmarshall@stcharleshealthcare.org



Table Cover:  St. Charles Health System logoed table covers are available upon request for your event.  The Royal Blue 8’ free flowing can be used on both 6’ and 8’ size event tables.  Please contact Dianna Marshall in the Marketing Department to reserve.  Phone: 541-706-7781 or Email: dkmarshall@stcharleshealthcare.org











Banners:  These 36” wide by 80” high retractable banners come in 9 themes: Our Mission, Cancer, Classes, Exercise, Heart, Immediate Care, Nutrition, Rehabilitation, Screenings. Please contact Dianna Marshall in the Marketing Department to reserve.  Phone: 541-706-7781 or Email: dkmarshall@stcharleshealthcare.org